Scooby Medina: Protectora de Animales Scooby

Scooby is a leading association dealing with the rescue of Galgos (Spanish Greyhounds) in Spain and the largest shelter in the country for all sorts of animals.
The Facts:
An investigation by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in 2001 and 2002 proved that tens of thousands of Galgos are bred annually in Spain in the hope of producing the national coursing champion. Medina del Campo is the focal point for those with a coursing interest in Spain. Many galgueros (breeders and owners of Galgos) live in Medina del Campo and its environs.
Prior to 2001 it was an annual tradition for the galgueros to kill their Galgos by hanging them en masse in the pine forests in and around Medina del Campo at the end of the coursing season (January/February). Fermín Pérez and WSPA captured vast photographic evidence and WSPA compiled a report about the treatment of Galgos in Spain.
Prior to 2001 it was an annual tradition for the galgueros to kill their Galgos by hanging them en masse in the pine forests in and around Medina del Campo at the end of the coursing season (January/February). Fermín Pérez and WSPA captured vast photographic evidence and WSPA compiled a report about the treatment of Galgos in Spain.
WSPA discovered dead dogs with nooses around their necks dumped in shallow graves or lying under trees where they had been hung and, on a rubbish tip outside the village of Rueda near Tordesillas, investigators witnessed the gruesome sight of a dead galgo hanging from a willow tree. The skeletal remains of galgos were commonplace as well as evidence of hung dogs being set on fire, with melted nooses hanging above fresh bones and ash on the ground below.
WSPA also learnt how dogs that have raced poorly are typically hung low in a slow death known as 'the piano player' due to the frantic scrabbling of their legs in a vain attempt to touch the ground. Those who have raced well are hung high, resulting in a quicker death. Unwanted galgos may also be stoned, tied up and left to starve, staked in a pond and left to drown or thrown into wells or burned alive.
WSPA also learnt how dogs that have raced poorly are typically hung low in a slow death known as 'the piano player' due to the frantic scrabbling of their legs in a vain attempt to touch the ground. Those who have raced well are hung high, resulting in a quicker death. Unwanted galgos may also be stoned, tied up and left to starve, staked in a pond and left to drown or thrown into wells or burned alive.
From about 2001 onwards the galgueros started to bring their unwanted Galgos to the Scooby shelter with the result that on average Scooby houses about 450 dogs, mainly Galgos. Scooby ensures all of the dogs are neutered and receive veterinary attention. Scooby rehomes a limited number of Galgos and some of the mixed breed dogs via small partner organisations in Europe.
WARNING! Though this video may not be in english it contains graphic and disturbing images. I still highly recommend you watch it as it will hopefully open your eye to a whole new world.