My Walking Billboards
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This isn't to say that this makes it okay for Gwen to "dominate" over her Harajuku girls. She definitely hasn't made some wise decisions on this issue because of her privilege, class and straight out ignorance. But what was a real issue to me was these women's lack of voice. They seemingly have no say over how their image is shaped or how they re projected. The question is "Why?" Is it really worth it to them?
At the end of the day, behind the mask of media, Gwen does not own these girls, they choose their work. Yes, they were not forced by Gwen to be there, but really, as dancers, who else would have hired them, and if a few options had come up, which do you think they would choose, dance company or work for Gwen Stefani? Not a hard choice. It provided them with great exposure. But because of this, what has it cost the Japanese community? It is amazing to see just how far the definition of "product" has gone.